SAATCHI ART                                                                                                                                                    Best of Sculpture 2024

                                                                                                Curated by Chief Curator REBECCA WILSON 

                                                                         SAATCHI ART                                                                                                                                                      Curated Collection

                                                           Featured in the collections "New This Week' 6-24-2024 by Chief Curator REBECCA WILSON 

                                                        AEDRA Gallery                                                                                                                Artist of the Day

                                                       AEDRA Gallery                                                          Artist Feature Catalogue

Warm thanks to AEDRA Fine Arts and Curator MICHAEL HANNA for featuring my work in their on-line Exhibits and Artist's Catalogue. Wonderful clear-cut presentation and a critical review to match!

"Juliet Vles creates breathtaking paintings which make clever use of negative space and geometry. Strategically filled with harsh angles and glass squares, her work has an overall architectural-like appearance. The paintings have reflective surfaces from glass and/or textured appearances from mixed media similar to the look of concrete or aged plaster. The interactions between warm and neutral tones creates an atmosphere of ambient reflection. (…)
With rugged intuition combined with refined elegance, these compositions bloom towards a network of optical distortions regarding the relationship between two- and three dimensionality. A very complex painting which offers an exercise in the extremities of perspective and distortions.
Beautiful and spirited, these works convey Juliet’s artistic maturity and understanding of creating fascinating art which remains eloquent and with composed stimulation rather than instant gratification."   

                                                                                                                                                             Michael Hanna (extract)                                     



                                                                       SAATCHI ART                                                                        Curated Collections

                                                           Featured in the collections "New This Week' 4-29-2024 by Chief Curator REBECCA WILSON                                                                                                                                                                    and                                                                                                                                              "ECLECTIC" by Curator AUDREY WOLFE



               NEUROSCIENCE NETWORK / University of Basel (Switzerland) 

                                                          Digital exhibition of the transCerebral series during the Brain Awareness Week at the University of Basel                                                                Organisation Dr. ANNE-CATHERINE FEUTZ, Neuroscience Network Basel  




                                                          SAATCHI ART   Collectors favorites

                                                                  ANIMA MUNDI Art magazine 

                                The English version of my essay on online-galleries has now appeared in print. An abridged version has also be                                                                         published by the American online magazine Arts Illustrated                                                                     the-online-gallery-and-it- possible-contribution-to-the-democratisation-of-the-art-scene/

                                 My special thanks to Art Director Zita Vilutyte for her interest and the exquisite presentation, and to the editor Vilija                                                               Salomaa for her infallible linguistic support!

                                 The magazine can be ordered at




                                                   SAATCHI ART   Curator Picks: Best of Sculpture

                                                                             Sincere thanks to Saatchi Art Curator Siting Wang for                                                                           featuring my work in her wonderful collection "Best of Sculpture'

                                                                                          view artwork:                                                                                             view collection:




                  SAATCHI ART                                                                      Spring collection / Spring catalogue 2023

Warm thanks to Saatchi Art Curator Aurora Garrison for including three wall sculptures                                        of  the "modules"  series  in  the  Spring  Collection  and  in  the  Spring  Catalogue 2023
view the artworks
view the collection




Interview in ANIMA MUNDI Art magazine

As European Capital of Culture 2022, the historical Lithuanian city of Kaunas is actually the center of many outstanding cultural manifestations. It is a very special acknowledgment of my work that the Lithuanian artmagazine «Anima Mundi» has chosen to feature my artistic creation with a 12-page interview in their summer edition. My special thanks to Art Director Zita Vilutyte for her interest in my work and the exquisite presentation, and to the editor Vilija Salomaa for her generous support and multilinguistic competence!

The magazine can be ordered at





                                                          Three Obsidian studies featured in the collection "International: Spotlight on Switzerland",                                                                urated by Aurora Garrison, Artist Community & Curation Manager at Saatchi Art.    




GW17/22 (trailblazer)
longlisted for the Thomson art prize, curated by Thomson Gallery, Zug, Switzerland
This entailes a digital show of my glasswork at the Thomson Gallery in Zug, Switzerland and in several international partner galleries during the year 2022, as well as another presentation of my work on ARTSY.





                                             Das Rathaus wird zum Kunstraum

Wandskulpturen von Juliet Vles im Zurzacher Rathaus Flecken. Auf Einladung des Gemeinderates installiert die Künstlerin zehn Werke ihrer Krypta serie im Gemeindehaus.

Die sachliche Innenarchitektur des Rathauses rund um die zentrale Marmortreppe bildet einen passenden Rahmen für die abstrakten, geometrisch angelegten Werke der Künstlerin. Eine gelungene Synthese von Arbeitswelt und kontemplativem Kunstraum ist so entstanden. Zeitgenössische Kunst als Alltag – eine Option, über die man sich zumindestens mal Gedanken machen könnte...


                     Three works of my transCerebral series featured on ARTSY, courtesy ARTBOX/Project Gallery, Zûrich and Zug, Switzerland

                            Excellent article in the PAN edition of VIND magazine, featuring my wall sculpture "Lunar Lyrics"  (courtesy Online Gallery)


Es ist für mich eine ganz besondere Ehre, dass EXIT Schweiz einige meiner glassworks zum Bildthema für die letzte Ausgabe ihres Info Magazins ausgewählt hat. EXIT ist eine humanitäre Vereinigung, die sich seit ihrer Gründung in 1982 für das menschliche Selbstbestimmungsrecht im Leben und im Sterben einsetzt. Die wichtigsten Tätigkeitsbereiche der Organisation sind Hilfe bei der Abfassung der Patientenverfügung, medizinische und juristische Beratung, Palliativpflege und Suizidbegleitung. Das Recht des Menschen auf einen friedlichen, schmerzfreien und würdigen Tod ist auch heute nur in vier europäischen Ländern gewährleistet: in den Niederlanden, Belgien, Luxemburg und der Schweiz.